Bulk load Pandas DataFrames into SQL databases using Jaydebeapi

2 min readMay 8, 2021


Loading Pandas DataFrames into SQL databases of all names is a common task between all developers working on building data pipelines for their environments or trying to automate ETL jobs generally.

And for that, Pandas DataFrame class has the built-in method pandas.DataFrame.to_sql that allows to do so very quickly, for SQLite and all the databases supported by SQLAlchemy library, and when it comes to those who doesn’t have a good support by it ( in my case was IBM DB2 ), developers find themselves forced to think twice for some work around in order to get the job done.

Jaydebeapi introduces himself as a good alternative, and it’s particularly seen thus by all developers coming from a Java background and having some familiarities of working with JDBC API to access the database.

Let’s start first by creating the database connection. for that reason I will be creating a simple function that takes in params all the informations required and it will give a connection to DB2 as a return.

And then let’s move on to build the bulk_load function that’s going to be charged to load our Pandas DataFrame into DB2 in a chunked way .

Now Let’s see how we can apply those functions on our main task




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